Nashville Rising: The Great Flood of 2010

May 12, 2010 at 9:42 pm (blog, helping, nashville, photo, photoblog, photography, pictures, reflecting, sadness, storm, struggle, suffering, support, tennessee, TN, Uncategorized, weather) (, , , )


If you don’t live in Nashville, the recent flooding may be news to you. Unfortunately, it has been overlooked by much of the national media until recently. We are now a week out, and the level of devastation is really starting to sink in.

Many people have completely lost their homes. Much of the downtown area was underwater. The famous Opryland Hotel has had to decline visitors at least through October to get the cleanup process underway after the 10 feet of water that swept through and left a thick layer of mud after the water receeded.

When you drive through the suburbs, you see endless piles of trash and debris that was once the makings of people’s homes. It’s a sobering reminder of just how easy life can change in an instant.

The great thing about this tragic event has been the action of countless volunteers. People are driving in herds to the other side of town to help people they don’t know. It’s an amazing thing to see, and it says a lot about this grand city we call home.

You don’t have to live in Nashville to help. There are plenty of ways to make monetary donations or item donations to those who lost so much by this event.

One thing I love about Nashville is the graphic design community. In a matter of a day or two, multiple graphics were created for tshirts and posters all to benefit the flood victims. Here is a list of some of the items available.  I did not create any of these… just passing it along for the greater good

Click on the image to be taken to the purchasing site:








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Hold on, Toto

February 6, 2008 at 2:48 pm (nashville, storm, tennessee, tornado, weather)

What a strange night for us folks here in middle Tennessee.  Whoever heard of tornados and 70 degree weather at the beginning of February.  Wild.  I hope everybody is OK out there.
The tornado sirens went off all night last night, from the time I got home from work around 8pm, until around 4am.  It was a little nerve wracking, especially since we have no basement, and live on the 2nd story of a duplex.  The lowest we can get is at the bottom of our stairs.  So, my roomates and I watched the news updates that interupted American Idol and House, and waited it out.  I tried to turn in around midnight, but the sirens made it impossible to sleep, mostly due to the adrenaline that it would activate.  I think I finally got to sleep around 5am.
Right now, a maintenance man is working in our bathroom.  What began as only a need for a new toilet (the bottom was starting to crack and come apart) revealed the need for a new floor where the old floor underneath was rotted out.  So, they have our floor ripped up, making any access to the bathroom for any reason impossible.
I was hoping they would hurry and finish up before I had to get ready for work, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.  I guess I will have to shower tonight instead.
I’m trying to prepare myself for a Wednesday night at work.  It is a challenge even with a good night’s sleep.  It will be interesting to see how it goes.
I want to SLEEEP

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