Thunder Dog

August 5, 2011 at 3:10 pm (blog)


Each major event leaves us with emotions and memories that stay with us forever.  I’m sure most of us can vividly remember where we were on September 11th.  It was a day that no one expected and none of us were prepared for.  Suddenly, the men and women trapped inside those towers we our neighbors and friends.  We all watched in horror as the reality of the helplessness really sank in.

Thunder Dog gives us a first hand account of the horrors of that day not only from and insider perspective, but from the point of view from a blind man who had no choice but to depend solely on his guide dog to lead him down the endless sets of stairs and out of the rubble.  This book will surely stir up the memories from that day; The sorrow and the pride  of being an American and being there for our fellow man.  It is sure to grip your heart and keep you engaged.  Even though we know how the book will end, you will be driven to continue to turn the pages.

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