Fresh Brewed, indeed

September 9, 2012 at 1:31 pm (blog)

I remember reading “Fresh Brewed Life” quite a few years ago.  Originally, the cover art is what drew me in, as hanging in the local coffee shop was my thing.  I enjoyed the references to coffee, and the allegories given to our favorite bean.  Nearly 10 years later, I picked up the book again, expecting it to be an easy read that would invoke fond feelings of past emotions that had been processed and worked through.  My, how I was wrong.  It challenged me just as much as the first time reading did, only this time with more experiences and mistakes under my belt.  This book definitely requires a slow reading, savoring each sip and anticipating the next.  It is a great reminder that in order to live a life full of meaning, we must consciously take the steps to get us there.  There are few too little reminders of that these days.

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